#how to manage time


Both over achievers and under achievers are presented with 24 hours every day. The difference lies in the way they each manage their time. 

Managing time equals managing energy.

How can we keep our energy levels high?

  • Sleep adequately
  • Eat nutritiously
  • Exercise regularly
  • Watch breath
  • Talk less

What do we do with high energy?

  1. List our needs & desires
  2. Analyze the impact we want to create
  3. Know the tasks that will create impact
  4. Skills to build to perform the tasks well.
  5. create a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals based on needs & desires
  6.  create easy to follow routines, so you can stick to it.

One of the world's richest Man Elon Musk believes in managing time with 5 minute tasks to efficiently manage his multiple projects and have a work life balance.

Many students follow pomodero technique by allowing 25 minutes work slots with 5 min break slot. 

High achieving athletes and  musicians prioritize practice and rest to keep themselves ready for competitive performance.

Here is a sample routine to manage time for a balanced life :

Early morning routine :
Energizing activities : 
  1. watching breath, 
  2. exercising,
  3. cleaning ,
  4. Grooming
  5.  connecting to the source or nature
  6. Thanking the sun
  7.   eating a nutritious breakfast 
  8. Finish a procrastinated task

Mid morning routine

  1. Watching breath
  2. Finishing an impactful task towards goal
  3. Practicing  a skill towards goal
  4. Staying hydrated

Afternoon routine
  1. Watching  breath
  2. Networking towards goal
  3. Finishing an impactful task towards goal
  4. Staying hydrated

Evening routine
  1. Organizing work file
  2. Watching sunset
  3. Staying hydrated 
  4. Watching breath
  5. Connecting with dear ones
  6. Having a fiber rich dinner
  7. After dinner stroll
  8. Entertainment with a tiner

Bed time routine

  1. Cleaning , organizing clothes and avvessori3s for next day.
  2. Thanking the blessings for the day
  3. Relaxing muscles
  4. Smile
  5. Sleep on time

Learning to manage time well can help us stay relaxed.


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