
Showing posts from April, 2024

#how to build a list of would-be custoners


#how to produce software quickly


#how to handle criticisms

  Lal Bahadhur Shasthri , the second Prime Minister of India was short. When asked how he manages the inferiority complex while meeting tall international leaders, Shasthri smiled and said 'However tall a person is, he has to bend to talk to me'! *** Someone mocked that the slippers Lincoln's dad stitched was under his feet. America's sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln proudly said 'I am.inspited by my dad's quality of work, that the slippera he stitches is still useful to you. *** Aishwarya Rai crowned as Miss world and admired by many asbbeauty queen was questioned and mockednsbout her post delivery wight going smilednand said ' I never vouched for size zero jeans'!  If such celebrities can handle criticisms and mockery with style, so can we.  Next time when someone puts you down, think of these personalities and smile. 

#how to spot inefficiencies


#how to apologize

  To err is human.  We all make mistakes on a daily basis. Some are unnoticeable. Those that leave a scar on others haunt us.  We have learnt to say ' sorry ' to our loved ones whenever we realize our mistakes. But does our "sorry' pacify those whom we have have hurt? Not, I we repeat the same mistakes. Also, there are people who believe ' sorry cannot make a dead man alive'. How do we.apologize for mistakes that hurt others ? Accept your fault Say you regret for causing harm  Specify what you will do to avoid it in future Show the change you are working on

#how to work alone

  Whether we are extraverts or introverts, we are all faced with situations to work alone. Pandemic has taught us that its is necessary skill. When there is no one looking over our shoulder, it is natural to succumb to distractions.  How do we organize our space, time and mind to focus on work when we are alone? Minimalise work space, calender and mind Watch breath, journal to manage emotions Create a visual board with desires List skills and tools to achieve the desires Prioritize high impact tasks Aim to work on  priorities as a routine Review progress  Seek feedback and act on it 

#how to be polite

  How do you feel when someone smiles at you? Listens to you without interrupting when you talk? Answers your queries gently? Expresses perspectives in kind words? Auch gestures make you feel valued. Don't they? With that lingering feeling, you would be motivated to keep that person in your contact list and stay in contact. The same applies whenever you are polite to others.  How to be polite? Practice using kind tone and words Listen attentively whenever someone talks to you. Express your perspective gently stating anecdotes. 

#how to think big & achieve more

 Abdul Kalam , a popular former Indian President and scientist encouraged all his fellow Indians to Dream.  "Talk to yourself once in a day, otherwise you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world." Said Swami Vivekananda , one of India's inspiring spiritual leaders. Why do we need to think big? To achieve more. How to think big? From Walt Disney who created an internationally successful animated film studio to Elon Musk who is creating multi planetary explorations, how do they think big? They hone their skills to match their dreams They remain committed to their dreams

#how to get out of debt

  Escalating costs in modern world is driving many into debt.  Whether you have accumulated student loan or personal loans, planning to get out of debts will help better manage your finances as you age. 

#how to manage tax

  Tax us inevitable for all those who earn income beyond an amount specified by our governments. It is hard to meet a person who enjoys paying taxes. Yet it is an obligation we must meet. How do we manage our taxes so we can reduce the unpleasant experience that most narrate? Visit a park or library that's funded by tax money for motivation. Mark the tax submission date in your calender Set reminders atleast a month before Learn the rules  Know the exemptions  Seek help until you pick up confidence Plan to submit well ahead of the due date Review income on investments regularly

#how to become tech savvy

  In today's technology driven world, becoming tech savvy is not an option. It is a necessary skill. It helps us live efficiently.  Updating ourselves to use the popular apps helps us order the food we like, when we like, go out comfortably, select cost effective clothes, accessories, home fashions, choose the right course to learn from anywhere and work for the right client by logging in from anywhere. Paying rates, making presentations, conducting virtual meetings have all increased efficient lifestyle for those who are committed to stay tech savvy.  How do we become tech savvy? Hang out with technologically knowledgeable Stay committed to regularly learn usable skills 

#how to manage multiple projects

  In this era of work from anywhere, working on multiple projects have become a normal. For many, it has become a necessity to work on multiple side hussles to meet our financial needs and career growth. How do we handle multiple projects simultaneously without getting burnt out?  List the goals of each project in hand Map out work in progress with deadlines Use tools to save time and cost 4. Regularly review progress and adjust resource allocation 5. Assess the impact each project is creating

#how to self care

  Flight attendants remind passengers to wear their masks before helping others during a turbulance. This reminder applies to our every day agenda as well.  To serve others, we need to serve ourself first .  When our physical and psychological needs are attended to, we gather more energy that can be used to serve the needy.  How do we self care? Sleep on time Exercise till you sweat Eat balanced nutritious meals Breathe mindfully Watch thoughts  Speak only when necessary Stay connected to well wishers Forming  an easy to follow routine that includes all of the above, will help us maneuver the world with confidence.

#how to give memorable gifts

  We all find joy in giving gifts.  Have you ever wondered   why ? It helps us  express our love  for the reciever. By expressing our love through gifts, we hope to strengthen our bond with the loved one. Selflessness is part of human nature. Hence we spend our hard earned money or much hardly saved time or energy to get the gift for the loved one. We feel honored when the receiver accepts the gift.  High net individuals make news by gifting their dear ones multi crore worth of jewelry, mansion or company shares,  In this consumeristic world, the umpteen choices in the market increases the confusion for gift givers. How do we wade through the ads that promote that their product is the best gift to strengthen relations? Taking a loved one out for a meal they will enjoy, to a place they have been longing to go  can brighten their mood. Choosing such experiences or speak only with kind words despite your relationship status  helps strengthen relationships. What about occasions o

#how to allocate resources

  We are all dependent on people, finance, nature, technology and many more to fulfill our desires. These resources that are necessary to meet our goals are in limited supply. So is Time , the most valuable resource. How do the successful fulfill their desires with limited resources? They allocate resources. How to allocate resources? Plan necessary tasks to achieve desires. Know required resources to perform tasks Track Time and money spent on tasks Prioritize impactful tasks Allocate more resources for impactful tasks Learning to balance is an ongoing practice.

#how to design marketing content


#how to get feedback


#how to find opportunities


#how to monitor progress


#how to budget


#how to prioritize tasks


#how to set achievable goals


#how to source right talent


#how to become competent


#how to write content that sells
